10 unconventional Ways to raise bilingual Kids

10 unconventional Ways to raise bilingual Kids

Raising bilingual kids is no walk in the park, but for me, it’s totally worth the effort. As they grow up, it’s a challenge to keep them engaged so they don’t see the second language as a boring imposition. It can also become a power struggle (my daughter insists on replying in English when my husband gets … Read more about 10 unconventional Ways to raise bilingual Kids

5 Challenges I face raising bilingual Kids

5 Challenges I face raising bilingual Kids

Raising bilingual kids is no easy feat but the effort is totally worth it — even when your children are old enough to answer back in more than one language! Whenever we travel, our kids not only feel comfortable in countries that speak Spanish, but they have also helped other tourists with impromptu translations. They … Read more about 5 Challenges I face raising bilingual Kids