Can you tell if a baby is going to become an aggressive kid?

Can you tell if a baby is going to become an aggressive kid

Some babies are mellow, others are high-strung. And some babies seem prone to anger. Do these early behavioral differences tell us which kids will become defiant and aggressive? It might seem obvious that an angry baby will become an angry, aggressive child. But when it comes to aggression, your baby’s moods may be less important … Read more about Can you tell if a baby is going to become an aggressive kid?

Aggressive toddler? Don’t be so quick to blame parenting

Aggressive toddler Don’t be so quick to blame parenting

Some toddlers get mad easily. They are quick to hit, bite, kick, or fight with people when they don’t get their way. Are their parents doing something wrong? It’s tempting to be judgmental, particularly if you haven’t been challenged by a physically aggressive toddler yourself. But a new study adds support to the idea that … Read more about Aggressive toddler? Don’t be so quick to blame parenting