Does Caffeine Affect Your Fertility? Research on caffeine and conception

Does Caffeine Affect Your Fertility? Research on caffeine and conception

Does Caffeine Affect Your Fertility? Research on caffeine and conception, plus mom-tested tips. You drink coffee throughout the day, or maybe soda is your pick-me-up of choice, but could your caffeine habit be affecting your fertility? You wake up, groggy, to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. It takes a couple of cups to get … Read more about Does Caffeine Affect Your Fertility? Research on caffeine and conception

Preconception Diet: find the right regimen to promote conception and a healthy baby

Preconception Diet find the right regimen to promote conception and a healthy baby

Kicking bad habits, sticking to a healthy diet, and taking prenatal vitamins can set the stage for a healthy pregnancy. Here are some guidelines for eating well when you’re trying to conceive. Prior to your newfound focus on trying to conceive, you may have tried the grapefruit diet, the rice diet, the water diet, the … Read more about Preconception Diet: find the right regimen to promote conception and a healthy baby

To Toast, or Not to Toast: The Truth about Social Drinking and Pregnancy

To Toast, or Not to Toast: The Truth about Social Drinking and Pregnancy

It’s not uncommon to see a pregnant woman sipping a small glass of red wine in a restaurant, or tasting champagne at a wedding. So, is having an occasional drink a safe choice for you and your baby? The experts say no. Here’s why. During her pregnancy, Connie Sievers frequently enjoyed a glass of red … Read more about To Toast, or Not to Toast: The Truth about Social Drinking and Pregnancy

The Two-Week Wait Strategies for coping until you can test

The Two-Week Wait Strategies for coping until you can test

The two-week wait, also referred to as “2WW” on fertility discussion boards, can be agonizing for all couples, but especially so for ones with fertility issues. What is the Two-Week Wait? For those unfamiliar with the term, the two-week wait is the time between ovulation and the beginning of a woman’s next period. For women … Read more about The Two-Week Wait Strategies for coping until you can test

Home Pregnancy Tests 101- learn how HPTs work

When to take them (accurately!), and when you’ll get results Am I pregnant? Wondering if you may be pregnant but can’t wait to see the doctor? Get the lowdown on home pregnancy tests. Most over-the-counter home pregnancy tests are accurate 95 to 99 percent of the time—but the accuracy depends on your ability to perform … Read more about Home Pregnancy Tests 101- learn how HPTs work

Find Your Most Fertile Days: A Guide to Tracking Your Fertility

Common Period Problems: top questions about irregular menstrual cycles answered

Understanding, tracking, and charting fertility signs can be a surprisingly easy and inexpensive shortcut to getting pregnant. Find out how. Denise Hawks thought that getting pregnant would be easy, but after several months of trying with no success, Hawks decided to track her fertility to discover when her most fertile days were each cycle. This … Read more about Find Your Most Fertile Days: A Guide to Tracking Your Fertility

8 Things I did differently that I believe helped me get Pregnant

6 ways to deal with a negative pregnancy test (when you wanted a positive)

I have been writing on the Pregnancy channel for close to 2 years now. I have enjoyed sharing my stories with you about baby fever. When we decided to finally start trying to make our fourth baby, I had no idea that I would have so much trouble. In the past, I’ve never had trouble … Read more about 8 Things I did differently that I believe helped me get Pregnant

The Science of Playgrounds: are we sacrificing Fun for Safety?

The Science of Playgrounds are we sacrificing Fun for Safety or

Like most parents, I love watching my kids play. But seeing my son on his school playground breaks my heart a bit. There are two simple, prefab play sets, each with a slide, a set of stairs, and a ladder. The kids aren’t allowed to run, after too many instances of falling and colliding with … Read more about The Science of Playgrounds: are we sacrificing Fun for Safety?